Our plants

Gráficas Estella

Gráficas Estella

Operating in the international markets for over 50 years, Graficas Estella is one of the leading European books manufacturers. Working mainly with large sheet fed offset presses and with a wide range of finishing and binding equipment, we offer our clients a fully integrated production process of the highest quality and flexibility


Rotativas de Estella, Rodesa

Rodesa was set up in 1999 as a complementary plant of Graficas Estella, for the production of mono books with the latest web offset cold set technology. Rodesa has now developed in one of the leading manufacturers of bestsellers and single colour books, offering the highest degree of flexibility and quality assurance thanks to its close interaction with the main Estella factory.


Unigraf, offset print

Unigraf, with its three factories in Mostoles (Madrid), specialises in offering the highest degree of production and product flexibility thanks to our sheet fed mono, 2 and 4 colour sheet fed perfectors, our Timson web cold-set press and a wide range of finishing and binding equipment.


Lomesa, logistics and warehousing services for the publishing sector

Lomesa complement Estellaprint’s manufacturing facilities, offering logistical and warehousing services to the publishing industry. Our warehousing facility has capacity of over 5,000 pallets. We are proud of our proven track record in stock management, order preparation and fulfilment. Additionally, we offer direct mail and subscription services.

Estella Packaging

Packaging Estella

Estella Packaging (Epack) produces packaging for the food and consumer goods industry. Under the management and with the technical back-up of Graficas Estella, thanks to the vast experience of the Lantero Group in the packaging business, Epack is in the strongest position to satisfy the requirement of the food and consumer goods industries.

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